My new crack head ghetto saw

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Some people dont look for saws on CL and the Bay, nor do they care about the "deal" that someone got.

Some people know what it feels like to have something stolen and then sold for little more than dirt.

When someone goes around saying that they just got a saw and they got it in the ghetto from an addict for 300 dollars and they really dont care if it was stolen, they are saying #### you to all of us.

#### I would have jumped all over that deal but i wouldn't have talked about it like that after having my 372 and super 797 taken.

Drug dealers dont go around selling goods like they do drugs, the owner didnt go to his man and say, "hay man i got a saw thats worth 800 dollars, I want an 8ball" A 66 of that caliber for 300$, hell even if the cutter that owned the saw was a head, he would know where to unload for more than that..

So what is left?
Just so you know I dont justify stealing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess you were shooting your mouth off again with out knowing what your talking about when you gave me the bad rep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I dont justify being a hypocrite either so know you the truth space mule!

Warning to anyone else who disagrees with spacemule he likes to use the bad rep !

Dont boo hoo over rep please.

they are little yellow dots on a computer screen....

by the way giving me bad rep would make you a hypocrite haha ;)
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Actually, it works that way with anything that has a serial number or an owner identifying mark. It can be entered stolen through the local police and when they run the VIN or serial number it shows as such.

I would contact the local PD and run the serial number through them. Who knows if these guys stole a bunch of equipment from a landscaper,arborist, or Stihl dealer who makes a living with that saw.

SO you going to tell me a cops guuna stop you and run you serial while your cutting? I think not.
Some people dont look for saws on CL and the Bay, nor do they care about the "deal" that someone got.

Some people know what it feels like to have something stolen and then sold for little more than dirt.

When someone goes around saying that they just got a saw and they got it in the ghetto from an addict for 300 dollars and they really dont care if it was stolen, they are saying #### you to all of us.

#### I would have jumped all over that deal but i wouldn't have talked about it like that after having my 372 and super 797 taken.

Drug dealers dont go around selling goods like they do drugs, the owner didnt go to his man and say, "hay man i got a saw thats worth 800 dollars, I want an 8ball" A 66 of that caliber for 300$, hell even if the cutter that owned the saw was a head, he would know where to unload for more than that..

So what is left?

I have had stuff stolen and I would still buy that saw, if that means im saying #### you to all of is what it is man.
Dont boo hoo over rep please.

they are little yellow dots on a computer screen....

by the way giving me bad rep would make you a hypocrite haha ;)

All this is is typing on a screen. Does that make it useless?
I haven't read this whole thread, and I don't have a clear answer on this but I just want to say that buying from a pawnshop is really no different. I used to live on a pawnshop infested street in a bad part of a large city and I can tell ya the percentage of hot merchandise must have been pretty high.

I woulda bought the saw. For all we know the scumbag that was selling it had reposessed it from his customer that couldn't pay up his drug debt. Maybe teh customer was an unemployed logger with a coke habit. Maybe he was a lawyer with a chainsaw collecting habit. We just don't know.

Well said.
I haven't read this whole thread, and I don't have a clear answer on this but I just want to say that buying from a pawnshop is really no different. I used to live on a pawnshop infested street in a bad part of a large city and I can tell ya the percentage of hot merchandise must have been pretty high.

I woulda bought the saw. For all we know the scumbag that was selling it had reposessed it from his customer that couldn't pay up his drug debt. Maybe teh customer was an unemployed logger with a coke habit. Maybe he was a lawyer with a chainsaw collecting habit. We just don't know.

Amen brother!
How many reading this thread have put yourselves in Greggs shoes and asked yourself what you would have done? I'm having trouble answering that if you want to know the truth. Now fess up! I sure don't take the position that I don't care if it's stolen and would buy it even if it were. But what should/would you really do? Write the serial number down and go have it checked out before making the deal? Contact the original owner and see if it was stolen from him? If not, then there's no further way to track it.

Sitting here in the comfort of my own home with nothing going on around me, I would like to think I would tell the guy I'd take it, I'll be back in (whatever) minutes with the money.
Then go to the police and give them the serial number.
If it didn't come back as stolen, I would feel like I had done my due dilligence, and gone back and bought the saw.
If it came up as stolen give the police the address and been on my way.

Being there, in the middle of an unfamiliar and (shall we say) "uncomfortable environment" with gang bangers and crack heads (that I might have to kill to get back to my comfort zone) wandering about, with at least $300.00 in my pocket that they would surely kill me for, and smile while doing it,........I cannot honestly say for sure WHAT I would do.

What I wouldn't do is come back home and announce to the world that I had just scored a crackhead saw and I didn't give a (insert your favorite expletive here) whether it was stolen or not.

But that's just me!


:buttkick: To all the guys giving you a hard time!

This world is not perfect by a long ways and you gave 300 bucks for that saw. You didnt steal it or try to steal it, you cant go around spending your whole life searching to see if someone has been wronged in the past. That saw could have been sold for a million diff reasons but what ever the reason was it would have been sold no matter what. You bought it use it and dont be ashamed of it , all this stuff about you should feel guilty is complete BS you dont have any reason to believe the saw is other than logit. And as far as that goes what about when someone on here buys a saw from some poor dude needing money to pay rent and gets it for less than half what its worth ,everyone applauds him! Whats the diff!

It won't let me rep you but I tried.

Like I said I seen this saw listed but figured from where it was coming from it would be a waste of time to check it out.

That said just because where it came from dont mean nothing, it could be legit, or it could have been passed around and delt several times. There are some big trees around the area, so who knows where it came from.

There are also some dire financial straits in the region around here also, work is hard to find, the mills are dead and lots of people out of work and hurting.

Being from the same area as Greg, I understood the area and the situation, and got the "joke"

It would have been sold sooner or later no matter what.

There is alot of holier then thou's going on here.
I just picked up an 026 from a guy for well under half what its worth, and he didn't even know how to start it. Did I ask questions, nope. I scooped that dude up and I was off like a prom dress. If your morals wont let you sleep at night then run the numbers, if your like me and realize that you didn't steal it, you just bought it, then enjoy it. Do we really need 11 pages of d*ck measuring to sum up this event?:bang:
Just so you know I dont justify stealing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess you were shooting your mouth off again with out knowing what your talking about when you gave me the bad rep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I dont justify being a hypocrite either so know you the truth space mule!

Warning to anyone else who disagrees with spacemule he likes to use the bad rep !

Boo hoo hoo.

I posted the definition of theft by recieving, and you're supporting doing exactly such a thing. Therefore, you are rationalizing theft, regardless of what you say. What's more, now you're lying about it. I'd neg you again in a heartbeat.
If I were a hypocrite I would give you some bad rep but I will not because I wont stoop to your level!
So, you're saying that giving neg rep would make you a hypocrite?

Just so we know where you stand, here's your neg rep:

My new crack head... 09-01-2009 07:05 PM mowoodchopper like you said you dont know!!!!!!!
Do we really need 11 pages of d*ck measuring to sum up this event?:bang:

Everybody wants a deal. The 11 pages just outlines the differences in how far we'd go to get one.

The argument isn't about whether the OP should feel guilty because the saw <u><i>might</i></u> be stolen, the argument exists because it is hard for some people (myself included) to understand the "I don't care if it was stolen" point of view.
OK boys,,,looks like everybody has vented thier opinion on this one..
it seems like there are varying levels of moral responsability in play here..
it comes down to if you lead a good life and treat others as you would like to be treated you have a good guidline to live by..
if you dont care about other peoples losses and with no conciense would for your own benefit take advantange and live with it,,so be it for you..
when you have been taken advantage of enough so that the pain subsides you start to feel sorry for people that lack character enough to strengthen thier moral fiber by living thier life without any contacts with possible shady dealings..
for those that reject in any way suspect deals,good for you !!
for those that accept suspect deals,,that little nagging thing in the back of your head will come back someday to haunt time you get ripped off remember.................
My take on the deal ???? i HOPE he got a good HONEST deal and nobody innocent lost out..
It won't let me rep you but I tried.

Like I said I seen this saw listed but figured from where it was coming from it would be a waste of time to check it out.

That said just because where it came from dont mean nothing, it could be legit, or it could have been passed around and delt several times. There are some big trees around the area, so who knows where it came from.

There are also some dire financial straits in the region around here also, work is hard to find, the mills are dead and lots of people out of work and hurting.

Being from the same area as Greg, I understood the area and the situation, and got the "joke"

It would have been sold sooner or later no matter what.

There is alot of holier then thou's going on here.

I appriciate the thought mark.
Seems to be a lot of confusion here; there is a huge difference between "fact" and "conjecture". I might be a little nervous to serve on a jury with some of you. Or, worse yet, to be the defendant in a case where some of you are on the jury. Yikes!
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