Hey yall--Watching ebay last night. Last 3 minutes on a nice Mcculloch Super 33 with bow--went 550 all week then --800-2200-final $2225 . Wow!! I missed it by $5 --really chapped me!!
I shall now quit my job and go in to full time total restoration and high end sales of vintage saws. Accepting investors for capital $ to buy sandpaper and cans of paint +tape. Retirement is looking good /financialy well off. Don't wait--get in on the ground floor for great projected returns on your large investments
. Much like Apple,Walmart,Amazon etc. Listed on New york stock exchange.---David
Now -let me know what in good faith each member is willing to pledge-Steve ,Mac,kensie,loadstar etc-lets here a $$$ amount--Speak up !!!!!!!!!!!!Opinions Advice-questions