The Chinese Chainsaws

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You guys are making me laugh. Some people may not like guns, and some people may, but you have no right to tell either one you must have a gun or you must give your gun up. I will give my gun up when you pry my cold dead fingers from it, but I will never hold a gun to your head and demand that you own a gun. I have trained both my kids on the proper use of a gun for their safety as I usually have one or two laying around, and some of them are better than what the military is issued. Seems to me the Australian people used to be well trained in firearms back in the day and had a prowd fighting force, which starts at a young age at home with a hunting rifle. This whole thread is mute as all law abiding Americans have the right to own firearms, and with the proper paper work we get to own guns like these, which are good for only one thing.


taking pictures to show friends:msp_confused::hmm3grin2orange: seriously tho one them be nice in the lignum on the river at the moment shootin pigs
I'm kinda glad i dont where you live i'm happy and relatively safe here in Australia i have 5 daughters and a son but i dont pack a firearm just in case
I suppose our mentality is better and more trusting really Amendment or not

And the second amendment to the Constitution says, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.
Right down till theres one soul left i imagine
Blaming murder, suicide, violent crime etc... on guns is an easy way out on a very complex problem. A gun is just a tool nothing more and nothing less all these issues are due to much more complicated issues and thinking that banning guns will prevent suicide for example is focusing energy away from the real problems: why are people commiting suicide and what can be done to treat them. You take away guns they'll still keep killing themselves by say hanging, jumping in front of motorized vechiles, etc... Same thing with crime ban guns and the real organized criminals- mob, cartels, some gangs will still keep getting them illegally whereas the other lesser criminals will just turn to knives, screwdrivers, hammers, bats etc... the murder or crime rate will not change to significantly.

This is basically what has happened to Canada following the Montreal Massacre in 1989, in the 90s this country introduced strict regulations on firearms yet i dont see modern day Canada, being noticeably safer than Canada 20 years ago. Americans are pretty damn lucky with your gun regs thats all I can say.

Look at Europe for example some of the most armed countries and regions are not the most violent.
Blaming murder, suicide, violent crime etc... on guns is an easy way out on a very complex problem. A gun is just a tool nothing more and nothing less all these issues are due to much more complicated issues and thinking that banning guns will prevent suicide for example is focusing energy away from the real problems: why are people commiting suicide and what can be done to treat them. You take away guns they'll still keep killing themselves by say hanging, jumping in front of motorized vechiles, etc... Same thing with crime ban guns and the real organized criminals- mob, cartels, some gangs will still keep getting them illegally whereas the other lesser criminals will just turn to knives, screwdrivers, hammers, bats etc... the murder or crime rate will not change to significantly.

This is basically what has happened to Canada following the Montreal Massacre in 1989, in the 90s this country introduced strict regulations on firearms yet i dont see modern day Canada, being noticeably safer than Canada 20 years ago. Americans are pretty damn lucky with your gun regs thats all I can say.

Look at Europe for example some of the most armed countries and regions are not the most violent.

Yeah right think back to 1939
Enough of the china bashing this thread is for those who have purchased and used China's copies of the Stihl 090 and 070
Lets us know how the product worked and how it lasted are they are bad as some make out no doubt the supposive puritians will jump
on the band wagon ............. yes we all know the silly arguements Stihl owners come up with as to why they think their product is better


Is this not what this thread was about,,,, fu#king unbeleivable where its gone.
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even if Australia's gun laws were stricter and we couldn't have guns legally anymore, Id still never leave the peace of Australia for trigger happy America. America just has too many ####ing idiots ... that's why you need fully automatic weapons, to kill each other off. lol

what is your news media feeding you. The most gun crime happens in the inner city in gang on gang killings with illegal guns, in cities with the strictest gun laws. Banning guns will not stop this killing only education which will never happen because it is run by the government. If you do not want guns than good for you, you can think you are a better person for it, I really don't care but don't try and force me to do anything you think I should be doing, in the end it is about freedom, and freedom from your tyranny or any ones tyranny. Don't lump me in with the Idiots here in America, I have a education, served my country in the Military, work 50 hours a week making good money, and paying my taxes so others can sit on their arse doing nothing expecting me to pay for their health care. On the matter of Chinese counterfeit chainsaws and chainsaw parts, I would rather spend my money at the local scrap yard and build a saw out of the parts before I would spend my money importing those counterfeit parts.
I know some guys are getting mad, but I love this thread. I have been getting lots of laughs, I just want to make sure we get a few real facts in here.
I'm kinda glad i dont where you live i'm happy and relatively safe here in Australia i have 5 daughters and a son but i dont pack a firearm just in case
I suppose our mentality is better and more trusting really Amendment or not

And the second amendment to the Constitution says, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.
Right down till theres one soul left i imagine

Allowing citizens to purchase and own guns legally levels the playing field with those ill-willed individuals who will acquire or make them illegally to achieve their goals. Not allowing citizens to purchase and own guns creates a relationship of dependence on law enforcement, and the notion, based solely on hope, that all folks (even the ill-willed) will obey the law. Having the concept of or not needing to worry about self-protection out of your hands is kind of like needing your mommy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "live in fear" type fellow, drawing at every noise I hear, but I appreciate that my country, and especially my state (most lax restrictions tied with Alaska), allows me to keep my options open. And of course, for whatever statistics are worth, there's the classic stat that locales with laxer gun laws experience less crime...
the only problem with my gun is it creates life......that could get me into a life time of trouble

mods, delete this stupid thread. Bob if you do get your 090 stuff, post it up, but dont BS us all and be a #### about it.
even if Australia's gun laws were stricter and we couldn't have guns legally anymore, Id still never leave the peace of Australia for trigger happy America. America just has too many ####ing idiots ... that's why you need fully automatic weapons, to kill each other off. lol

Good one. Generalize a country of well over 300 million people. I'm incredibly impressed that you have the experience to do so.
Ease up you lot. Who are participants to judge others?

You guys want to know what that china crank is made of? Want to see how it compares to a Sthil crank?

Send me one of each. I get along pretty good with the QC guys at the job I'm on and I can have them PMI (positive metal identification) bothof them.

You will then see what there both made of.

This would be interesting to see on both the crank and the rod.

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