Got your wood in yet??

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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Boy am I glad I've got mine in... 6-7 cord stacked in the basement, clean up to the floor joists. "They're" talking record cold for us next week; starting Monday we ain't even supposed to break out'a the 20's for 7-10 days (teens over nights). Crap-o-la man, that's friggin' cold for early November 'round here. Heck, I ain't even looked for my long-johns yet‼
Almost done. This is the last weekend and I will be done. Got maybe 1 cord of maple thats going to get cut and split that has been down for a few years. Some of the smaller round (<10") might be punk but the large trunk it well seasoned and ready to cut split and burn. I also just found a mystery log that the electric company took down that is dry as paper and >26". I'm going to ask the land owner if I can have it for firewood. I've been eyeing this dead standing tree for a few years now and am happy its down. Will be real happ0y if I can take it.
Half a cord of ash and some mixed/punky stuff in the basement right now. Fire is getting re-lit tonight before the weather hits.
I generally don't discuss that on a public forum...... :laugh:

I took the day off yesterday to haul some large stuff down to the porch. I've been burning the little stove on and off for a while, but I saw that today was supposed to be rain and then it will be pretty cold for the rest of the month - at least at night. I'm gonna need the big stove and was not prepared. Now I've got plenty for a while and can continue to bring stacks down.

Of course now the problem is that it DARK all the time, so I can only work on the weekends! Well, OK, it's light in the morning when I have to go to work anyway, but what good does that do? I hate the time change.
I have at least 8 cord stacked and dried at the cabin, covered with the old metal roofing, I use about a cord a year,, just enjoy going out in the bush and getting that already dried and down douglas fir, always close to the road!!! I always have a saw in my truck!!
Depends on how friggin cold it is. I got as much in as I could possibly fit, got 2 big azz stacks next to the garage and am going Sunday to fill up my 4X8 trailer up and tarp it so if it's not as bad as last year I should, repeat should have some left over for next year.
Three cords of two year old oak and hickory under cover.
Cord and a half of year old mixed junk in reserve.
I burn wood to supplement gas heat, I should be good to go.
I'm cutting right now for 3 years down the road. :)

Only 3 years? :cool:

Meanwhile here, inside near the stove, and top-covered right outside, at least 6 cords ready to go right now, enough for 4-6 years. Enough to be careless in chucking it into the stove, but I don't want to be stripping paint inside. :laugh: (I'd rather bundle some into grocery bags for lazy yuppies' holiday fires.)

When space becomes available, there's a mess of white oak & black birch blowdowns waiting patiently out there.
Only 3 years? :cool:

Meanwhile here, inside near the stove, and top-covered right outside, at least 6 cords ready to go right now, enough for 4-6 years. Enough to be careless in chucking it into the stove, but I don't want to be stripping paint inside. :laugh: (I'd rather bundle some into grocery bags for lazy yuppies' holiday fires.)

When space becomes available, there's a mess of white oak & black birch blowdowns waiting patiently out there.
Did I understand you right? 4-6 cords will last you 3 years?
I've got 8 cord css from this past summer mainly, and some is a few years old, nice dry oak, that I try and use sparingly. Still fetching more. Always on the prowl for wood, and always have a saw in my pickup.
I need 6-7 cord on hand for the season. If I was 3 years ahead then I would need 18-21 cord!
I took skid loader bucket in a few nights ago. should get me by for week. May have to haul the big wagon in garage and get things situated in basement....Split about 2/3 cord after work tonight that got one more steel 4x5x4 pallet full. Need to tarp 3 old grain wagons full, one flatbed with 5' sides that is full.
I need 4 cords a year of maple, beech, oak and cherry. This year's wood is being moved into the woodroom in my basement, 2015-16 is stacked in the shed, started on 16-17 yesterday with a truckload of maple.