sold a saw to a man the other day at work

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I gave up volunteering information (well almost) .I bought a stihl blower from a landscaper (who has had 2 stroke equipment for a fair amount of time) he said it was hard to keep running so he bought a new one .
As I started to sort it out I found out that he uses outboard mix :( but the p/c was fine , I later found out that his mix ratio was between 10:1 to 20:1 so after a new plug and fresh mix it was good to go :) .
When I tried to explain ratio's and what mix to use I was told I read too much and that his mix never caused an engine failure .
Did I say I ended up with a good working blower .... cheap .
Now we wait for the next one .
Chances are that Homelite won't last long enough to expereience a failure from the wrong oil, so don't sweat it.

If there weren't a lot of folks like that guy, the box stores might not be able to make it.

AS you're undoubtedly aware, Space, Home Depot and a lot of other stores exist to cash in on the guys like him that know better than everyone else. Take their money, take your paycheck, and just smile, knowing that you either know better, yourself, or know who to really ask.
fuel and oil life

I have read on here that some of you folks leave the mix in the saw, topped up ready for cuttin', and sometimes that can be for a long time....

this is non-alky fuel, or 100LL....

I've done this, as I only have high test non-alcohol fuel in my fuel cans...

anyways... I"m in the stihl store a couple weeks ago, and they have 3 small jars of mix on the counter with dates on them.

all three have differing color of mix. the oldest being the lightest....

I asked bout it and was told that the fuel attacks the oil, and degrades it over a couple three months, so now they recommend never using mix more than 1 month old... Seems they have been finding with new saws that run poorly, or not at all, it's the mix being old.. they drain the tank, and top it with fresh, fire it up and cut wood!

I didn't ask if this was alky fuel or high test.

But I'm gonna do that test myself this summer!

anyone else heard of this?
I feel for ya Space, I really do, a person does not have to be in retail to experience those things man. I am just a dumbass old mechanic and customers look at me in a similar fashion, like ,WTF does he know and have smelly attitudes that go along with their superior feelings.The shoe is on the other foot when they need me to fix their Fubars and neglected equipment, that`s when ya can hit em where it really hurts.

ha ha ha. Yes I see this all the time too. I'm a auto mechanic. Today I talked to a lady before looking at her car, she came in the night before wanting it looked at right away because she was going away, needless to say all the mechanics were gone, it was after hours for the shop, so I talked to her in the morning, and she said she had a shimmy/vibration on the highway, and said that her friend told her it was our fault, because he thought we didn't adjust the tire pressure correctly??? WTF?? Nice armchair mechanic I think, so I tell here straight up, NO that's not your problem. Annoys me when people neglect their problem and bring it in in the last minute expecting me to drop everything to help them because they are going away on a trip. I never did feel the problem or see anything wrong. I've always wanted to put a sign in the office that reads.

Fellow comes in Christmas Eve at 5 pm and states that ever since we changed his sparkplugs that his rear brakes squeal and shimmy under heavy braking, never had the problem before the tune up so we must have fubared something, I try to tell him that a tune up has nothing to do with the brakes but some of his friends say that whenever they take a vehicle in for service work a problem always shows up right after. The mechanic gets blamed for doing something to make sure he gets more work in the near future.
Pulled the wheels off yesterday and showed him his worn out brake pads and deeply scored rotors, then asked him if he thought I could do this much damage in the hour I worked on the vehicle. He is going to take it to Midas and see what they think. LOL
Fellow comes in Christmas Eve at 5 pm and states that ever since we changed his sparkplugs that his rear brakes squeal and shimmy under heavy braking, never had the problem before the tune up so we must have fubared something, I try to tell him that a tune up has nothing to do with the brakes but some of his friends say that whenever they take a vehicle in for service work a problem always shows up right after. The mechanic gets blamed for doing something to make sure he gets more work in the near future.
Pulled the wheels off yesterday and showed him his worn out brake pads and deeply scored rotors, then asked him if he thought I could do this much damage in the hour I worked on the vehicle. He is going to take it to Midas and see what they think. LOL

Ya, its a little frustrating at times isn't it. You got to be pretty blunt with people sometimes.
Ya, its a little frustrating at times isn't it. You got to be pretty blunt with people sometimes.

Yes, but at least I don`t have to be a front line or counter person. I would likely be up on charges if I had to do that job day in and out. The company policy of the customer is always right, well that`s their motto not mine! LOL.
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to trying to get an arogant ignoramous to listen to good advice. I follow this rule:

Don't get into a mud-wrestling match with a pig.

1--You end up getting all muddy; and

2--the pig likes it!!
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to trying to get an arogant ignoramous to listen to good advice. I follow this rule:

Don't get into a mud-wrestling match with a pig.

1--You end up getting all muddy; and

2--the pig likes it!!

Good advice, I never think of good advice in the heat of the minute.

I laughed out loud when i read that! Reason being, was that I told the GM of our ford dealership the same thing when i was (called into the office). Customer freaked that A/C parts for their taurus SHO were not fixable or in stock...and I was to blame?

I think we have strayed from the topic, again...:censored:

Happy New Year to all at the AS\CAD site:chainsaw:

Filed chain last night and rakers. Razor sharp and if i did it right finally it might last.:monkey:



The guy might just get home and remember some of the stuff you bored him with, and might just NOT shred his intestines because of it.

Ya never know.

Good on ya for trying to do the right thing.:cheers:

Maybe the next customer ya help will be a Human worthy of your tutorial and appreciate the effort.

Keep an eye on the newspaper though...there's likely a story for the accidents and injurys section coming.;)

Folks as you describe, are the reason they put the "C" and "H" on shower knobs and caused the end of Lawn Darts.

Stay safe!
There's a saying: "If you open your doors to the public.......they're gonna come in".

That includes a certain percentage of societys morons.
I can't tolerate people who judge me like I'm an idiot. I end up getting into an argument and saying things that cost me my job.

If you disagree with something I say, that's one thing. We can have a discussion about it. But when you look down on me, there's a line that's been crossed.
I can understand your frustration, but I'm going to shoot straight with ya.
There was nothing at all wrong with the information that you gave the customer. But you were wearing the reputation of many HD sales associates before you. You were stereotyped, you work for HD therefore you don't know what you're talking about.

Maybe we just have a really bad HD, but most of the sales people's philosophy is; If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffel them with BS.
There are 2 people in sales at our HD that know what they're talking about, and if they don't, they'll tell you they don't. They are the minority, as I would assume you are.
